Procesadores de Lenguajes

3º. 2º cuatrimestre. Itinerario de Computación. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. ULL

Organization ULL-ESIT-PL-1920   Github Classroom ULL-ESIT-PL-1920   Campus Virtual PL   Chat Chat   Profesor Casiano

Table of Contents

Challenge for the programming lab p10-t2-lexer-generator

Write a GitHub Action Hello World following the tutorial at section Hello Actions World!.

  1. Save the action code in repo hello-js-action-aluXXX,
  2. Inside repo use-hello-js-action-aluXXX save the project using the action and
  3. In repo hello-js-action-super build a repo having the former two as submodules
  4. Write your report in the super-repo. Set master branch for GitHub pages and choose one of the available Jekyll styles. Set the URL in the description section

Optional Step

If you feel enthusiastic about GitHub Actions, continue using the repo actions/javascript-action as a template and follow the instructions. Save the action code in repo hello-js-action-aluXXX but in a branch with name optional.

To use this new action, you have to reference it in the client repo like this:

  - uses: ULL-ESIT-PL-1920/hello-js-action-aluXXX@optional  # Reference a branch

Pay special attention to how the tests were written in this example.


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